The Cubs have had another really good year. This year we have been really busy. We have taken part in a few district events which were: swimming and flag challenge which we won! The Cubs have also made bird boxes, been climbing and shooting. The Cub section currently has 32 Cubs, 3 leaders, one occasional helper and one young leader from the Explorer section. The parents have also been helping out regularly with the cub sessions.
Winter term- In the winter term the Cubs enjoyed a hike, shooting and carving pumpkins. The Cubs also worked hard on their team work challenge badge during this term.
Spring term- Spring term went well as we had lots of exciting new things planned for the Cubs. This also included our first trip out of the scout hut to a climbing wall in Swindon. This went really well and everyone enjoyed themselves. We are thinking of doing more Saturday activities with the Cubs as this was very popular and we had some lovely feedback from both the children who attended and the parents. During the spring term we also made bird boxes, cooked pancakes and used nurf guns to shoot at targets they had made using recycling.
Summer term- This term got slightly effected by the unforeseen pandemic covid-19 . For this term we did have a small weekend camp planned just as the cub pack which has been postponed until 2021. Instead for the summer term the Cubs have been completing weekly challenges that have been set via email. There has been some lovely responses form parents who have been grateful for the continuation of scouting.
Most of the Cubs that have moved up to the scout section have completed their silver chief scout award. We look forward to hopefully seeing the Cubs scouts soon and will have another busy year ahead.
Yours in scouting,
Jade/ Akela