This year has been a great year for the cub scouts. We have been very busy. With Bart leaving us at the end of the summer term 2018 and Claire leaving in December the cub leaders have worked well to support each other.
There are currently 3 leaders with 1 occasional helper, 1 young leader and 1 DofE helper. The parents are also being a great support with helping out when they can.
Winter- The winter term for the cub scouts was a busy one, the cubs went to the district chess competition which saw Charles place. The cubs also took part and created the Christmas play. Which was directed and written by the very talented King Louie.
Spring- the spring term went successfully with cooking nights, Thea’s mum talking to the children about her job as a dog groomer and a visit from the police. The cubs also went to Giles farm and had a lovely joint meeting with the Beavers
Summer- this term is all planned. This term will see the cubs building shelters, cooking, a talent show and a hike.
So far with the cubs that have moved up to scouts most of them have completed their silver chief scout awards and the others are all on the right track to be gaining theirs. We also look forward to attending the group camp this year.
Thank you for an amazing year!
Yours in scouting,