2018 Meeting Minutes


Welcome and adoption of last year’s minutes

Presentation of reports

Adoption of Audited Accounts

Approval of GSL’s nomination of Group Chair

Election of Group Executive Committee

Parent Representatives from floor

Group Presentations (if any)

Invitation for a member of District Team to Address meeting.


Minutes – Annual General Meeting 9th May 2018

Present:- Anne Cranham, Alison Crawley, John Lister, Andrew Batty, Jade Hurn, Jon Giles, Georgina Szanto, Chris Patterson, Andy Wrintmore, Charlotte Yates, Sharon Butler, Pete Escott. Chris Broom DC. Parents and Friends.

Apologies:- Lisa Carter, Pete Ellis

Minutes of the AGM 2017 were and agreed as being corrected. Proposed by Alison Crawley, Seconded by Chris Patterson.

Reports:- Unfortunately the written reports were going to be put on Website before hand but unfortunately acting GSL apologised for not doing so. Some written reports were given out.

The Chair presented the report to the meeting (see written Report) and thanked all those who have helped over the last year.

The Beaver Scout Leader (Jon Giles) presented his report to the meeting (see written report).

The Cub Scout Leader (Paul Bartlett) presented his report to the meeting (see written report).

The Scout Leader (Chris Patterson) on behalf of the Scout section presented the report (see written report).

The Explorer Scout Leader (Dave Ibbot) presented his report to the meeting (see written report).

The Treasurer (Alison Crawley) presented a written income and expenditure account to the meeting. The accounts were audited by Mrs. S Gardner. Adoption of Audited accounts were proposed by Georgina Szanto and Seconded by Pete Escott.

Nomination of Chair. Acting GSL John Lister nominated Anne Cranham. There were no objections.

Treasurer Alison Crawley was prepared to stand again. She was proposed by Georgina Szanto and seconded by Chris Patterson.

Secretary. As post of secretary was open, proposal were asked for. At a later stage of the meeting Sharon Butler was proposed by Georgina Szanto and seconded by John Lister. Sharon agreed to become Secretary

Executive Members willing to stand again. Rachael Aherne, Pete Ellis, Pete Escott, Charlotte Yates , proposed by Toby Crawley and seconded by Kerry Vevers. Parent representative Guy Mason was proposed by Georgina Szanto and seconded by Pete Escott.

Auditor:- Mrs S Garner was proposed by A Crawley , seconded by Rachael Aherne.

Presentations:- 2 Scouts received there Chief Scout Gold Award. They were Harvey Walton and William Hynes.

The District Young Leaders, Leader Jeremy Crocker introduced Thomas Crawley, Rosie Paine and Alicia Hurn as reciprocates of their Young Leader Awards. It’s great to note that we have three new Leaders coming into the group, Rosie and Alicia with the Beavers Section and Thomas with the Scout Section.

The DC Chris Broom was asked to address the meeting. Chris thanked everyone for coming and being involved in the spectacular scout movement. Next year will bring about a new and exciting programme. Chris thanked all the leader for their hard work in keeping the Scouting traditions going in Broughton Gifford & Holt Group and was pleased to see that all section are doing well. Well done to Anne Cranham for her 40 years service award.

As we have two boys (Will & George) going to the World Jamboree 2019 they gave a short presentation showing and explaining their endeavours to raise the monies they need to raise for the Jamboree. Very interesting to know they are working hard for their trip.

Date of the first Executive meeting:- Tuesday 5th June 2018.

Meeting closed.