Another year has flown by and as they say ‘Time flies when you are having fun’.
I am pleased to say that the kitchen has now been refurbished, and may I say to a very high standard. Just a few things left to be sorted. I would like to thank all those Leaders, Explorers and helpers who have done such sterling work and given up the valuable time. Thanks to Toby, Georgina and John for their exceptional input (although one leader needed hospital treatment) I’m happy to report no permanent damage was done to the Leader!
Also we have managed to get the outside of the hut concreted in the last couple of months as well. Thanks again to Andy Strange for his great help in leading the project and to all the parents and Explorer Scouts for all the support with the manual work. Sheds, fences and storage space still to be finished but now the outside area can be used to its full potential.
The hall is still being let for outside use so we have had a small regular income coming from this. We have a regular keep Fit session running on Sat. mornings and an Art Class on Alternate Tuesday. We have received Grants from Broughton Gifford and Shaw & Whitley Parish Councils to help with the kitchen refurbishment. Our Gift Aid is our largest income this year. (Thanks to our Treasurer Alison Crawley for being so diligent). The Annual Great Chaffield 10K Run also helped with our fundraising. Our grateful thanks to Darren Wrintmore the Organiser. It seems that this has now grown in numbers due to its success of past years. We have had donations from The Bell on the Common through their Pub Quizzes. Our appearance at the Bonfire Night on the Common was again appreciated and the Village Hall committee gave us a Donation on top of our own fundraising. This year we accepted a donation from the Village hall committee for covering First Aid at the event The Annual Easter Egg Hunt & Quiz gave a small income but was well attended by the young people who had a good time looking for the lollipop sticks. (Only a few left this year).
The Groups turnout for Remembrance Day was very well attended and was much appreciated by the Parish Council. It makes a fine spectacle for the whole village.
We make the hut available and join in with the Village Annual Village Clean Up.
A well attended Carol Service this year was organized by the Cub Section. They provided an ‘interesting’ look at the Christmas story.
Another Group Camp was held in June at Seend Park Farm. All Sections attended and a super weekend was enjoyed by all. Activities included all the old traditional scouting bases and included the traditional campfire. My thanks to all the Leaders and Parent Helpers for all their hard work, to make this possible. A memorable weekend for everyone and we enjoyed reasonable weather. (Yet again to be repeated next year.)
Following George & William Lister ‘s success at being chosen to attend the World Jamboree in America this year, we also have three Explores and our GSL going out to Tanzania next year along with Hampshire Scouts. Well done to all.
My thanks go to our Secretary Sharon Butler who has now completed her first year. I do hope we haven’t put her off. My thanks also to Alison Crawley our Treasurer for her steadfast approach to our Financial Status and her help sorting out problems with Sectional finances.
My thanks to all the Leaders who give up their time this year to bring such a high standard of Scouting to the young people. A special thank you to Jade Hurn for taking over as Akela when Paul Barlett stood down, and a very big welcome to Alicia and Rosie for joining as leaders in the Beaver section. We as a group are very lucky to have these younger leaders stay within the group. We have also welcomed new Leader in the Scouts, Cubs and Explorers.
My sincere thanks to all the Executive members and Parent Helpers throughout the year. Without your support we could not provide the young members with such activities and enjoyable experiences.
Anne Cranham (Chair)